The first group of people would be those who needlessly carry heavy financial loads. They delay credit card balances from one month to the next, and in the process, owe far more than they earn. They will always be juggling ineffectively, thus struggling to keep their heads above water.
Next, would be the spend thrifts who live from paycheck to paycheck, spending every cent possible, as they flirt with credit cards, debit cards and ATM cards.
So which group do you belong to?
Client :Springfield consultancy SDN. BHD.
Next, would be the spend thrifts who live from paycheck to paycheck, spending every cent possible, as they flirt with credit cards, debit cards and ATM cards.
The last group is always the smallest, consisting of the ones who fight to maintain their financial freedom by restraining their spending urges. They embrace the debt free or near debt free lifestyle, as the only debt they might carry would be carefully thought through mortgage and car loans. They handle the uncontrollable events by outsourcing it. Being prepared and ready, they live with exuberance and confidence. As such, they most probably are the only people who can usher in this New Year with a spontaneous smile.
Client :Springfield consultancy SDN. BHD.
Illustration of Springfield Newsletter Jan 2007/ Issue 13